
Sunday, 20 December 2020

"Hollie! The Positive One!

Because apparently I am the positive one!

Someone popped in the bar last night and told me so.
"I read your blogs every week and you keep us all going" are the words he used, although the last blog worried him a bit and he had to make sure I was OK.

This is what we have to do in these times. We have to support each other, we are all only human after all and life can mess with ones head in normal times! 

Anyway, as most of you have probably read by now, we have lots of new restrictions and one of those is that we can no longer have people sitting in the bar. We can only use our tiny outside terrace which holds 11 people under the 50% ruling.

So, not to beaten, Eddie and I decided we would keep the bar open. Its better to have a bit of something than all of nothing.

Eddie has decided to use some of this time with no people in the bar to have a clear out of the store cupboard. Since opening after lock down its been full of excess furniture and goodness knows what else. Pretty much everything except for stock!

The one corner of the bar now resembles a very neat, clean version of what can only be described as Steptoes yard, however its a great opportunity to sort it all out, its amazing how much stuff you collect over the years.

There was a time, many years ago that we going to leave the island, and we sold lots of our personal items including our car. My home almost looked like one of the show corners in Ikea. It was minimal, and clean to within an inch of its life without any junk hanging around. 
Anyway, circumstances changed and we decided to stay put, it didn't take long for our home to be full of stuff once again!

"Things change" That has always been the motto in our house. When Jack was small he always knew that whatever plans we made, they were always subject to change, quite often they did. Something else we used to say when he was little was that the reason Mummy and Daddy went to work was for nice things nice things and toys (that's no typo error by the way).

It seems we now live in a world where things change constantly. The UK seems to be heading for yet another lock down, some regions already are locked down and its all change again. Sadly many Christmas gatherings will take place via zoom and other video calling mobile apps. Thank god we have all this technology around us, without it things could be a lot worse.

Anyway, enough waffling form me, have a great Sunday and look after each other.

Until next time

H x

I've enclosed two photos today. One is our little terrace at 60's Bar and the other is the cake we had this morning at Macronesia Cafe in Puerto Santiago. They do this amazing Orange Chiffon cake that just melts in you mouth. They are in the same position as us with very little outside space. 

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