Its as if there is a invisiblel umbrella over my head. There can be rain almost everywhere on the island but where ever I am it is dry. A bonus, some might say, but for me when it's the one thing that you crave when you live on a dry hot island its a massive disappointment. Sometimes it can be forecast and then when it just doesn't happen you just feel hard done by that someone else had rain and you haven't, and you almost begrudge looking at the forecast.
Fast forward to this week and all the weather models and apps almost one hundred percent guaranteed that we would see some of the wet stuff. I'm not going to say we are storm chasers but when we were driving down the motorway the other day we saw a massive rain cloud that looked like it was about to burst at any time. It wasn't in the direction that we were travelling but we both decided we had to head for it to see if it was as good as it looked. Our prayers were finally answered, the window wipers were at full pelt and the rain still wasn't shifting. The sound of it hitting our windscreen was just fabulous and Eddie and I were sat there like a couple of Cheshire cats, the heavens had opened, and it was just wonderful.
Now I know that many people reading this are probably thinking I've lost the plot but honestly for me when the summer has been so so hot and so long, this was just what I had been waiting for. People often ask me about the summer weather and what is is like?, my answer is this;
You know when it gets so cold in the winter, the wind is howling, its biting cold and you really don't want to leave the house? well when its forty degrees outside without an ounce of a cool breeze, you blow dry your hair nice but the minute you go out the sweat just makes it wet again, you put your make up on but it gradually slides off over the day, I along with many residents do my best to stay out of it. An Air conditioned car or a chilled super market is the only comfortable place to be when it gets unbearably hot.
Winter in Tenerife is a whole different ball game, we get the best of both worlds and I love it. Its cool enough to sleep, sometimes we even need a thick blanket over us, yet when the suns out its pleasant.
If you want to sunbathe you can but its also nice to walk around without getting too hot. I can absolutely understand why people want to flock here during the winter months, I'm doubtful that there's any place this side of the Atlantic where I would rather be.
The rainfall seems to be subsiding for now but to say I have loved it would be a massive understatement!
Whatever the weather and wherever you are, stay safe, be nice to each other and ride the storm.
Until next time
H x
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