It's December the 31st, New Years Eve, and for many its time to say goodbye to what has been a terrible year!
Its been a terrible year for most of us and one we will never forget. Kids will be learning about 2020 in years to come and I´m sure in years to come I´ll be telling younger generations all about how we were there through the great Covid Plague of 2020, I hope so anyway, I´m 46 years old and I hope I´ve got plenty of years left in me yet!
2020 has certainly been an odd year but for all the bad that has happened I also think a lot of good has also come out of it. Families have been thrown together, people seem to talk more, and many of us have learnt to take a step back from the hectic life that we had pre Covid. Who would've thought that on March 14th when we were plunged in to a 2 week lock down that things would now be the way they are? certainly not me.
I've cooked and baked more this year than I have in my whole life. I've learnt to make bread along with many other culinary delights, I had no idea until this year about making bread. I've spent time with my family, usually we are so busy getting on with life that we forget these small luxuries. I've spoken to my Mum and Dad every day. Before lock down we could easily go a few days without speaking, I've also been in touch with many other people that I had lost touch with,although there are many folk that we should've seen this year that we've been unable to, we miss you all and keep everything crossed that we'll see you all soon . Lets hope 2021 sees some kind of return to easy travel and the return of tourism, although I don't think it will ever be the same as it was.
For us, it will be different, for our kids it'll be a little different, for their kids it will just be the norm and they won't know any different! That's my thoughts anyway.
So, we leave 2020 with lots of emotions and we wonder what 2021 will bring. Covid doesn't know its 2021, although at the moment it knows when its 10PM, when we have to be home because of the curfew! However on a more serious note I really can't see things improving anytime soon. Therefore we keep going as we are until things change.
I have heard some shocking stories about peoples travels, even down to some folk getting people to take Covid tests on their behalf, breaking all the rules and goodness knows what else. As always it will probably be the minority that will delay the return of any normality but isn't that always the way?
Anyway, where ever you are and however you choose to celebrate, I wish you all a Happy and healthy new year and what ever 2021 brings we will face it head on!
As always, until next time, Stay safe and Ride the Storm
H x